
Fair Pay or Dividends

So I worked for this company for two years as a contractor, they refused to give me a raise or hire me despite not taking a day off since I started (started April 6, 2020, never caught covid and worked in office through the entire pandemic). Eventually I left one department for another and got a significant raise (almost 50%) so they were already woefully underpaying me to begin with. It was recently announced the company is paying dividends to their shareholders. After checking out how much was being paid per share and how many shares are available, the total value came to about 2.5 Billion dollars. I then did a little more fun math amd discovered they could have offered EVERY EMPLOYEE AND CONTRACTOR working for the company a $25k bonus while the CEO could still pocket a cool $4 mil. This company is also making sure they decrease…

So I worked for this company for two years as a contractor, they refused to give me a raise or hire me despite not taking a day off since I started (started April 6, 2020, never caught covid and worked in office through the entire pandemic). Eventually I left one department for another and got a significant raise (almost 50%) so they were already woefully underpaying me to begin with.

It was recently announced the company is paying dividends to their shareholders. After checking out how much was being paid per share and how many shares are available, the total value came to about 2.5 Billion dollars.

I then did a little more fun math amd discovered they could have offered EVERY EMPLOYEE AND CONTRACTOR working for the company a $25k bonus while the CEO could still pocket a cool $4 mil. This company is also making sure they decrease guaranteed pay raises and haven't increased their base pays to compete with inflation.

Just infuriating all around.

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