
Never give a two weeks notice.

I've never had a positive experience after putting in my two week notice, but this time it was especially awful. I sent in a two week resignation letter to my employer. I arrive at the office the next day, and am told I am no longer needed. Told him, no I still need to work these last two weeks to cover my rent. I am told I can use my accrued PTO to cover up until when my last day would've been. I thought okay that's fine. Before I even get to the parking lot, my email and account have been deleted. No way to put in for my PTO or even finish filling out my timesheet. Also, in our employee handbook it says employees may be paid until their resignation date if it's decided they should leave early. So I thought I would still get paid. Get my paycheck…

I've never had a positive experience after putting in my two week notice, but this time it was especially awful. I sent in a two week resignation letter to my employer. I arrive at the office the next day, and am told I am no longer needed. Told him, no I still need to work these last two weeks to cover my rent. I am told I can use my accrued PTO to cover up until when my last day would've been. I thought okay that's fine. Before I even get to the parking lot, my email and account have been deleted. No way to put in for my PTO or even finish filling out my timesheet. Also, in our employee handbook it says employees may be paid until their resignation date if it's decided they should leave early. So I thought I would still get paid. Get my paycheck a few weeks later, and it's missing the 80 hours of pay I was supposed to get. Text my boss, no reply. Call HR 4 times, left 4 messages, no reply. So I file an unemployment claim since they let me go two weeks early without my pay. Had an unemployment hearing today. They denied me because I had “intent” to leave, even though it was two weeks early. My company's HR representative was on hearing call, and it made me sick hearing her say I left voluntarily. So if that rule applies, and you tell a company you'll be leaving to let's say raise a family in a couple years, they can just fire you at anytime? How does that make any sense? I can't believe I ever thought the unemployment office would ever help me lol. You live, you learn.

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