
getting the fuck out of my job before it kills me

Today was the straw that broke the camels back. I've hated my job for a while now but this is finally pushed me over the edge I was putting some excess material away and a good size piece of pvc fell and hit me on the back of the head fairly hard, giving me a good size lump and a mild concussion I sat on the ground while I got over the initial pain and then went to tell my boss. He laughed about it Maybe 5 minutes later I start feeling dizzy and my eyes go all weird and as I have been concussed before I knew I had to go to hospital. I tell my boss and he flat refuses to let me go This isn't the first time either, while I was still an apprentice i got a finger caught in a saw blade and my boss…

Today was the straw that broke the camels back. I've hated my job for a while now but this is finally pushed me over the edge

I was putting some excess material away and a good size piece of pvc fell and hit me on the back of the head fairly hard, giving me a good size lump and a mild concussion

I sat on the ground while I got over the initial pain and then went to tell my boss. He laughed about it

Maybe 5 minutes later I start feeling dizzy and my eyes go all weird and as I have been concussed before I knew I had to go to hospital. I tell my boss and he flat refuses to let me go

This isn't the first time either, while I was still an apprentice i got a finger caught in a saw blade and my boss told me not to go to hospital, I was 17 at the time and naively believed him

Then a year after that I crushed a finger, breaking the bone and was scared to tell him so I hid it and went to hospital after work

This time im 22 and qualified so I don't need his shit anymore. Im at the hospital filling out a work cover form which will cost him thousands, as soon as I can find another job im getting the fuck out of here

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