
I had close to perfect job. Then I got threatened by coworker. My boss did nothing.

Long story short. I have a coworker that was gaslighting me. He caused a huge uproar that landed me and him in my supervisors office. Then acted like he done nothing. He kept playing dumb and downplaying everything to me and his boss while saying i was out of line etc. He was the one who went to my supervisor then later demanded we sit and “talk it out”. About 5 min in I decided to apologize just to get it over with. According to bystanders and my boss I was in the right. But I just wanted it all to end. He then loses it and tells me I should be sorry and that he’s not the mother f*** to question that he would handle me.Then about 3 sentences later he says we could take it outside. My boss was in the room for all of this My boss…

Long story short. I have a coworker that was gaslighting me. He caused a huge uproar that landed me and him in my supervisors office. Then acted like he done nothing.

He kept playing dumb and downplaying everything to me and his boss while saying i was out of line etc. He was the one who went to my supervisor then later demanded we sit and “talk it out”.

About 5 min in I decided to apologize just to get it over with. According to bystanders and my boss I was in the right. But I just wanted it all to end.

He then loses it and tells me I should be sorry and that he’s not the mother f*** to question that he would handle me.Then about 3 sentences later he says we could take it outside.

My boss was in the room for all of this

My boss didn’t fire him or send him home. I’m fairly concerned for my safety around him. I have to be alone around him a few times a shift. Up until this point I’ve loved my job but I think I’m going to have to quit. Life sucks.

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