
Every single company that ghosts the candidates in the hiring process deserves to go bankrupt

I need to rant, folks. I applied to a barista position at Starbucks. I love making and drinking cofee, so I said 'why not?' I put in my resume and couple days later I got a phone call. I was excited. This happened on a Thursday. The next day, on a Friday, I had the interview. It went well and the employer said she will definitely call me on Monday (48 hours later), no matter if I will be employed or not. This happened 1 year ago. I still didn't get any call. They are still looking for employers. 2 months ago, I applied to a waitress position at a local restaurant. The interview went good, too and I was informed that the probation period will last 3 days, so the boss sees how I handle the job. She said she will call me and tell me when to come,…

I need to rant, folks.

I applied to a barista position at Starbucks. I love making and drinking cofee, so I said 'why not?'

I put in my resume and couple days later I got a phone call. I was excited. This happened on a Thursday.

The next day, on a Friday, I had the interview. It went well and the employer said she will definitely call me on Monday (48 hours later), no matter if I will be employed or not.

This happened 1 year ago. I still didn't get any call. They are still looking for employers.

2 months ago, I applied to a waitress position at a local restaurant. The interview went good, too and I was informed that the probation period will last 3 days, so the boss sees how I handle the job. She said she will call me and tell me when to come, since there were other people who applied for the same job.

The next day was the first day in the probation period. I came in the restaurant and worked. I got paid. The boss said she likes me and will call me, telling me when to come back.

I still didn't get any phone call. I don't know whether they are looking for any employees or not.

Been giving likes to negative reviews on Google for the companies when I realized I was being ghosted.

To any company that does this: FUCK YOU. U deserve to go bankrupt and burn in hell. This is incredibly disrespectful. Understand, now or never, that people work for MONEY, not because they love your shit company.

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