
Moved Across the Country for a Job. No job when I arrived.

Here is a fun story that happened to me when I was 20. I had been working at a certain retail establishment that was big in the late 90’s. I got a call from my brother one night inviting me to come move in with him in another state, 2000 miles away. I accepted his offer and I asked my employer if they have a location in that city with an opening. They worked with me and with that location and said that they did. After a month of preparation and continuous dialogue with my employer, they assured me I had a position waiting for me where I was moving and to go meet with them on a specific date after I arrived. So I packed all my stuff in my small pickup truck and drove three days by myself across the country to start my new adventure. After I…

Here is a fun story that happened to me when I was 20. I had been working at a certain retail establishment that was big in the late 90’s. I got a call from my brother one night inviting me to come move in with him in another state, 2000 miles away. I accepted his offer and I asked my employer if they have a location in that city with an opening. They worked with me and with that location and said that they did. After a month of preparation and continuous dialogue with my employer, they assured me I had a position waiting for me where I was moving and to go meet with them on a specific date after I arrived. So I packed all my stuff in my small pickup truck and drove three days by myself across the country to start my new adventure. After I arrived in my new city, I showed up to work on the appointed day. I was informed that they had NEVER HEARD OF ME. I explained the situation and the assurances I got from the other store. They just shrugged and said, “Sorry, but we never had those conversations and we have no openings.”
I shudder to think what might have happened if I had attempted such a move without having my brother there who was already established with an apartment. The good news is, I shortly found a different job, but I was totally astounded that such a thing could happen.

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