So I was laid off last week as the company I was working for for the past nearly 2 years is going under. During my time there I had worked at a startup around 6 months back, brand new seed stage probably 3-4 people that I knew of. I worked there in tandem with my current job (I had 2 jobs at the same time, discussed it with my boss and didn't hide it. I wanted to see if it was a fit for me)
So the startup job was not a fit for me, the expectations were insane and they eventually terminated me for performance (probably culture fit too, they wanted me to learn the entire business and be up to speed in like a month and a half) I had no issues with the team other than crazy expectations, they never PIPed me I just woke up and boom so I just kept employed at my current job until…well you know what happened. I was NOT canned for negligence or something bad, just didn't really fit.
I never filed unemployment for that at all, I just kept working at my main place of work. My question is, is that going to hurt my chances at getting unemployment (I need it rn) this time around? I was truly laid off, no fault of my own. When I filled out the unemployment application it had flagged the company from months back.
Any help would be great!