
Safety violations and “wE’rE fAmIlY”

I think I'm about to be fired and I'm ready for it. If it happens the company is coming down with me. I fell and got a concussion at work a month ago and noone has given me my workers comp claim number. Bloody gauze is being left in dishes for me to clean. They want me to clean mold. I was told off because I was the only dishwasher on shift and couldn't finish mopping because “no overtime without prior approval, anything you put down won't be considered and you can't be paid.” Bug the boss says I'm like family. Family? You want me to risk my health and you consider me family? Ha. The joke is on them, the health department found out about the mold. They fired my coworker and I guess he decided he had enough, so he called it in. Just found out they illegally…

I think I'm about to be fired and I'm ready for it. If it happens the company is coming down with me. I fell and got a concussion at work a month ago and noone has given me my workers comp claim number. Bloody gauze is being left in dishes for me to clean. They want me to clean mold. I was told off because I was the only dishwasher on shift and couldn't finish mopping because “no overtime without prior approval, anything you put down won't be considered and you can't be paid.”
Bug the boss says I'm like family. Family? You want me to risk my health and you consider me family? Ha. The joke is on them, the health department found out about the mold. They fired my coworker and I guess he decided he had enough, so he called it in. Just found out they illegally test for pregnancy. They say it's for diabetes but it's not. So many legal issues there- I can't wait until my time is up next month and I can leave. They can deal with it, I get minimum wage for the work of two people. They Hage no respect for me so I'll just leave quietly. I know they'll guilt me, try to get me to stay. But I'm not being lied to anymore and I am standing up for myself. I am proud to say I have set boundaries, even though my disability makes things hard. I have earned the right to set boundaries. We all have.

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