
Last paycheck is late?

So I recently left a job with two weeks notice, I checked with accounting and my final paycheck was supposed to be direct deposited as normal. It's now past my normal direct deposit time (albeit by only hours) and there's no record of a paystub through the HR system they use, which definitely would have shown up by now. I sent accounting an email, but I have an errand to run in the area and I might just come in to find out what's up whether they've responded by then or not. For context, I'm in Indiana and the law states that your last paycheck has to be issued by the next normal pay date. Part of me feels like I'm being a little petty here, but I need to remind myself that you don't fuck with a person's money.

So I recently left a job with two weeks notice, I checked with accounting and my final paycheck was supposed to be direct deposited as normal. It's now past my normal direct deposit time (albeit by only hours) and there's no record of a paystub through the HR system they use, which definitely would have shown up by now.

I sent accounting an email, but I have an errand to run in the area and I might just come in to find out what's up whether they've responded by then or not. For context, I'm in Indiana and the law states that your last paycheck has to be issued by the next normal pay date. Part of me feels like I'm being a little petty here, but I need to remind myself that you don't fuck with a person's money.

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