
My boss gave me a minor task I didn’t complete on time

A week a go my boss assigned me a minor task; nothing big. I planned to do the task within the end of the week. Today – before work – I received an email questioning me, why this task isn't done already and that they did it by themselve now. So far so good. The problem is, we've had stressful two last weeks, I stayed longer almost everyday and it wouldn't matter at all, if the task is done by today or tomorrow. There where more urgent and imminent projects on my table. Another problem is, that my boss constantly assigns me minor task via email … do that, file this, and so one … As I said, that are not huge task but the're already piling up in my inbox and in sum they do take a long time to finish. I already talked to my boss but the…

A week a go my boss assigned me a minor task; nothing big. I planned to do the task within the end of the week. Today – before work – I received an email questioning me, why this task isn't done already and that they did it by themselve now. So far so good.

The problem is, we've had stressful two last weeks, I stayed longer almost everyday and it wouldn't matter at all, if the task is done by today or tomorrow. There where more urgent and imminent projects on my table. Another problem is, that my boss constantly assigns me minor task via email … do that, file this, and so one … As I said, that are not huge task but the're already piling up in my inbox and in sum they do take a long time to finish.

I already talked to my boss but the answer was just “it's part of the job, deal with it”. I even work on weekends and during nights but there is no gratification for that – not even a “thank you”.

What bothers me the most is, that my boss sent me this email with the whole department in copy, writing that they are very disappointed that's not already finished and that this is a “shame” and that I've to learn to prioritize.

I mean, my boss isn't completely wrong but I'm doing my best. Furthermore, we are dangerously understaffed; our department would need at least twice the amount of people to be fullfil the minimum requirements. For now, everybody has to the jobs of two.

All the money isn't worth the stress …

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