
Am I the one in the wrong here?

So, I work in Tech and we have a ticket based system where we are allocated around 5/6 tickets on a evening and are expected to worth through these within a 3 day period, more tickets added each evening. I am very good at my job and I'm able to deal with these tickets when I get them in most cases and don't need to keep them on hold or pending user response, cause I'd rather fix the issue and close the ticket down and make my work list as clear as I can, because I'm able to do these tasks on top of my normal work load. I logged in today and saw my manager has allocated me over 30 tickets, with no work completed in them and non of my colleagues have been passed the same. His reasoning for this was “cause its not fair you have a…

So, I work in Tech and we have a ticket based system where we are allocated around 5/6 tickets on a evening and are expected to worth through these within a 3 day period, more tickets added each evening. I am very good at my job and I'm able to deal with these tickets when I get them in most cases and don't need to keep them on hold or pending user response, cause I'd rather fix the issue and close the ticket down and make my work list as clear as I can, because I'm able to do these tasks on top of my normal work load.

I logged in today and saw my manager has allocated me over 30 tickets, with no work completed in them and non of my colleagues have been passed the same. His reasoning for this was “cause its not fair you have a clear work lost when others are struggling” and I cant help but feel like I'm being rewarded with other people's slackjaw approach to working and being forced to pick up their slack. I have never in my life been “rewarded for doing well, with more work” and ive been made left feeling like I'm the wrong thats in the wrong. I even caught the same manager talking about me this morning, in a open Teams channel and managed to get a screen shot before they removed it.

So, I just want to know is this fair in other peoples eyes or am I being made a fool of?

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