
I like to write long shit when I’m upset. Gonna start sharing it more. This sub seems to be one of the better ones. Not full of right wing simps.

(In response to a tweet about not wanting to work just for corporate positions) This is every normal person. Seeking to gather fake money to hoard and to lord over others is actually psychotic. No one likes doing menial work for others. No one! Otherwise all these right winger petite-bourgeoise types that allegedly covet the “small business owner” (petite-bourgeoise, somewhere between the bourgeoisie capitalists and labor as long as they work for themselves in some capacity) wouldn’t bother having their own business; they’d just go work at Walmart or sweep floors for a grocer. No, they don’t covet hard work: they covet money. Power. That’s all they want. They’re weak fools who never had enough of something in their lives and they seek to be the dictator of their businesses. Never paying correctly, never giving good benefits, always whining about lazy workers while they do absolutely nothing but shovel donuts…

(In response to a tweet about not wanting to work just for corporate positions)

This is every normal person. Seeking to gather fake money to hoard and to lord over others is actually psychotic. No one likes doing menial work for others. No one! Otherwise all these right winger petite-bourgeoise types that allegedly covet the “small business owner” (petite-bourgeoise, somewhere between the bourgeoisie capitalists and labor as long as they work for themselves in some capacity) wouldn’t bother having their own business; they’d just go work at Walmart or sweep floors for a grocer. No, they don’t covet hard work: they covet money.

Power. That’s all they want. They’re weak fools who never had enough of something in their lives and they seek to be the dictator of their businesses. Never paying correctly, never giving good benefits, always whining about lazy workers while they do absolutely nothing but shovel donuts and coffee down their throat and complain that “trans kids are ruining the world”, gleefully unaware (or more likely: very aware) that they are everything wrong with the world. Gross, greedy, exploitative. Robbing every cent and every dignity from their employees and crying the whole time over having to do so. Crying that employees have that audacity to bring up the profit margins when they get denied a raise for the 10th time while inflation from the same greedy corporate whores robs the labor class more and more everyday. Sucking water from a stone that dried up decades ago.

And, the most sad of all, workers, instead of rising up and destroying the institutions and taking righteous vengeance upon all who oppressed them for so long sit in the bucket. Crabs in a bucket, climbing on each other, piling up, stomping each other down. We sit in the sun roasting in a bucket, killing each other. We could work together and escape the bucket forever and destroy the ones who placed us there.

“But wait! That crab over there is stacked on three others! I could stack on him and I’d be in a better position to eventually make it out! I’ll make it out, surely! Fuck all the other crabs! Surely I’ll make it!”

This is our fate if we don’t radicalize people.

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