
Started a job three weeks ago, walked out today (yes I have another job lined up)

I was prepared to give my two week notice anyway, once I had gotten my better offer. I was going to give it today. But then the manager started making fun of my clothes. She told me her boss was coming today and “my boss CANNOT see you in those jeans”. For reference, my workweek started on Tuesday. I showed up in jeans that have a small tear, about the size of a dime. I know I’m not allowed to wear ripped jeans, which she told me that day. I explained that I’ve been working for 3 full weeks without a paycheck and I haven’t been able to afford to do laundry. Not until Friday, which would be my first payday. She said nothing in response. The following day, yesterday, I showed up in the same jeans. I have two other un-ripped pairs of jeans but I had been wearing…

I was prepared to give my two week notice anyway, once I had gotten my better offer. I was going to give it today. But then the manager started making fun of my clothes. She told me her boss was coming today and “my boss CANNOT see you in those jeans”.

For reference, my workweek started on Tuesday. I showed up in jeans that have a small tear, about the size of a dime. I know I’m not allowed to wear ripped jeans, which she told me that day. I explained that I’ve been working for 3 full weeks without a paycheck and I haven’t been able to afford to do laundry. Not until Friday, which would be my first payday. She said nothing in response.

The following day, yesterday, I showed up in the same jeans. I have two other un-ripped pairs of jeans but I had been wearing them intermittently for the past three weeks, getting oil, dirt, food, and gasoline on them. They were horribly dirty and totally unpresentable, way worse than a pair with a small tear anyway. The manager said nothing.

Today, I walk into work wearing the same jeans again. Today is Thursday, and I get paid tomorrow. She threw a fit and said she warned me already. I of course told her AGAIN that I can’t afford to wash my other jeans until she paid me. She then went into a rage and told me it was embarrassing and I should be able to afford a new pair of jeans for work. So I left. She has to work a 15 hour shift now. Open to close, because all her other employees literally quit earlier this week too. The turnover rate there is high for a reason. And it’s her.

I don’t know about y’all, but I live paycheck to paycheck. And my ENTIRE paycheck goes toward groceries and bills. I don’t buy junk food. I don’t buy clothes. I have no leftover money after all my bills. People like her are so blind to the obvious poverty in their own town. Just because she gets 3,000 checks doesn’t mean everyone does. Hell, I haven’t even gotten a paycheck at all in nearly a MONTH. And even if I had gotten one, I definitely wouldn’t have any money leftover for jeans.

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