
Social media content manager with a 100% clueless supervisor.

My supervisor (boss's wife) does not have or use Fb. She also regularly asks me to correct other peoples' posts (such as someone calling themselves a “supplier” instead of “wholesaler” of our parts) and only ever asks me to take posts down that are over a month old, which by soc med timelines is already long dead and forgotten. I don't know who's reporting to her or why she thinks she knows what she's talking about. I can't be the only soc media person being overseen by someone who literally knows nothing about it, can I?

My supervisor (boss's wife) does not have or use Fb. She also regularly asks me to correct other peoples' posts (such as someone calling themselves a “supplier” instead of “wholesaler” of our parts) and only ever asks me to take posts down that are over a month old, which by soc med timelines is already long dead and forgotten. I don't know who's reporting to her or why she thinks she knows what she's talking about. I can't be the only soc media person being overseen by someone who literally knows nothing about it, can I?

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