
I’m only 23, I’m burnt out, and every job sounds horrible

I graduated with my bachelors in communications back in May. I basically chose this degree because I transferred schools and didn't have anything in particular that I was interested in so my advisor said most of my credits would transfer for this program. I went with it because I was lucky enough that my parents were paying for most of my tuition but the deal was that they would only pay for 4 years. So I did it in 4 years. I worked my ass off. I never took a summer break because I had to make up credits and I worked 20+ hours a week the whole time because tuition was what they covered, everything else was on me (which is fine, I was just grateful to not have loans). Fast forward to now. I moved to a new city in late June. My husband is in flight school…

I graduated with my bachelors in communications back in May. I basically chose this degree because I transferred schools and didn't have anything in particular that I was interested in so my advisor said most of my credits would transfer for this program. I went with it because I was lucky enough that my parents were paying for most of my tuition but the deal was that they would only pay for 4 years. So I did it in 4 years.

I worked my ass off. I never took a summer break because I had to make up credits and I worked 20+ hours a week the whole time because tuition was what they covered, everything else was on me (which is fine, I was just grateful to not have loans).

Fast forward to now. I moved to a new city in late June. My husband is in flight school and the plan was for me to start working when we got here (obviously). But having 2 months of a break after graduating has been glorious. I was rested and happy and feeling healthier. I felt like I was recovering from years of really hard work.

But it's been hard to find a job, the city were in is growing a lot and the jobs are competitive. But the hardest part is that I don't even want the jobs that are interested in me.

I have a final interview on next wedneday for a marketing job and im almost certain they're going to offer me the job. I acted enthusiastic in the other 2 interviews and made it sound like this was a long term plan for me because im desperate. I have no interest in marketing, and definitely not this particular industry. I feel so stuck. I'm not a lazy person. I've worked since I could drive a car. But just the thought of starting a job I have no interest in makes me sick to my stomach. I dont even want to talk about the jokes of salaries they offer for the positions im qualified for.

How do I work through these emotions? It makes me so depressed i feel nauseous that im going to have to do this for the next 40ish years.

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