
don’t schedule me when I’ve told you I can’t work.

I (21F) work 3 jobs, while being in Uni. 2 jobs are on campus (one of which I am a supervisor for) and another job is serving at a Members only Restaurant. Recently they’ve become accustomed to blocking off Friday and Saturday’s, meaning we can’t book them off unless we go to a manager. I believe this is bullshit, because everyone should be entitled to booking off whatever day they please for a minimum wage, part time job. Which is what this is. I’m not salaried so you don’t get to have me whenever you so please. During the summer, I only worked at this restaurant serving. I quit another serving job to be “fully committed” to this place, was promised full time hours I didn’t receive, and felt as though a second job was not viable because of the ‘peak’ hours of this one. So, I made no money…

I (21F) work 3 jobs, while being in Uni.

2 jobs are on campus (one of which I am a supervisor for) and another job is serving at a Members only Restaurant.

Recently they’ve become accustomed to blocking off Friday and Saturday’s, meaning we can’t book them off unless we go to a manager. I believe this is bullshit, because everyone should be entitled to booking off whatever day they please for a minimum wage, part time job. Which is what this is. I’m not salaried so you don’t get to have me whenever you so please.

During the summer, I only worked at this restaurant serving. I quit another serving job to be “fully committed” to this place, was promised full time hours I didn’t receive, and felt as though a second job was not viable because of the ‘peak’ hours of this one. So, I made no money this summer considering my paycheques went to rent, food, car and credit card.

They promoted 2/7 of the staff, leaving us with 5 staff, 3/5 are students, 2/5 are old women who basically get to make their own hours bc everyone bends at their will bc they’re career servers. They were supposed to fill in the 2 spots they promoted immediately, they still haven’t. So while 3/5 of us are not able to work and the other 2 are just bitches, they have indeed screwed themselves over by not hiring enough people.

I’m bitter. It isn’t my responsibility for your lack of staff.

School comes around, and they are constantly booking me when I am not available. It took them 3 weeks to get my availability right, me asserting to them that I am in class, I won’t be there and finally giving up on giving them any type of availability that was functional. I’m making more than minimum wage at my job on campus, I prefer the environment, they’ve offered me full time positions in the summer after my work-study contract is up and I just generally hate this stupid restaurant now.

I handed my 2 weeks in last week, and said to my manager(F) “if you need me to next week, let me know” hoping they’d have the courtesy to ask me. That same weekend is Homecoming (a huge thing here) and I’m on call for the majority of that weekend, I work all week before then and am looking to relax a bit. I get my schedule for my jobs on campus, I’m booked both of those days so I can’t work, and booked those days off at the club (with some sly maneuvering bc fuck them for restricting the days that I can book off).

I get my schedule today, and see that I am indeed booked for those. I message my manager(m) and he says that I am putting them in a “tight spot” because I told them “I could work then”. I was hoping for them to tell me that they needed my help, bc I was under the impression that they had hired 3 new people. But when I asked for someone to cover my shift this week I was told “no we need the support staff for the new people” as if its not a serving job that I was thrown int o without experience.

So, I do not think I’ll ever be returning to this place again.

I don’t think I have good things to say about anyone other than my coworkers who are students, working more than they should because the manager leaves before they do (which is a big no no) and getting walked all over.

This place is supposed to be the definition of class and elegance. In reality, no one is ever on the same page, you don’t get your own tips, there is a giant miscommunication between all department and these servers often left to fend for themselves. The one good thing to come out of it was the $1 dinners.

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