
I want to ask my manager for a laptop. What are some good talking points?

So i’ve been working here coming on 2 years (WFM technical support for an insurance based company) and there are newer people doing the same thing and one in particular is scoring low on our QA reviews so the QA dept is trying to see if our manager will approve a 2nd monitor for each of us to help handle taking live chats + emails at the same time. I’m having no problem with this. What I do really want is to have a laptop I can work from. The equipment we use is this huge monitor + chrome box. I am wanting to plead my case for a laptop so Im more mobile (can work from bed, the couch, other places, easier to travel). I just can’t think of a very good explanation that would make it more of an accommodation and less “I want to be able to…

So i’ve been working here coming on 2 years (WFM technical support for an insurance based company) and there are newer people doing the same thing and one in particular is scoring low on our QA reviews so the QA dept is trying to see if our manager will approve a 2nd monitor for each of us to help handle taking live chats + emails at the same time. I’m having no problem with this.

What I do really want is to have a laptop I can work from. The equipment we use is this huge monitor + chrome box. I am wanting to plead my case for a laptop so Im more mobile (can work from bed, the couch, other places, easier to travel). I just can’t think of a very good explanation that would make it more of an accommodation and less “I want to be able to work from bed”. One friend recommended stressing my back pain, another said to mention things that seem more out of my control such as space issues (i don’t have room for a second monitor on my desk)

My two very good work friends got a lap too mostly due to them being leads/higher ups and so they had good cases. What is your best stab at this?

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