
I think one of the best ways to put an end to the exploitation of capitalism is to quit breading.

Think about it. One of the things that drives capitalism is the fact that workers are needed. They need us to be pieces of the machinery to make money. Most of the 1% only have about one or two children. They are highly educated, and trained in the best universities to rule over all of us. In the meantime us poor people are breeding like rabbits because our lives have no pleasure and one of the few joys we get out of it is sex. I think it’s pretty obvious that the former want the latter to keep going like this. It keeps the workforce going. If we want the working class to get anywhere in life we always have the option to do it slowly. If you quit giving them new gears the machine, the thing is going to break down. Also, the way things are going politically it…

Think about it. One of the things that drives capitalism is the fact that workers are needed. They need us to be pieces of the machinery to make money.

Most of the 1% only have about one or two children. They are highly educated, and trained in the best universities to rule over all of us. In the meantime us poor people are breeding like rabbits because our lives have no pleasure and one of the few joys we get out of it is sex.

I think it’s pretty obvious that the former want the latter to keep going like this. It keeps the workforce going.

If we want the working class to get anywhere in life we always have the option to do it slowly. If you quit giving them new gears the machine, the thing is going to break down.

Also, the way things are going politically it would only make sense, to get ourselves fixed while we can.

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