
Greedy rich people

Idk if this is the proper sub, but I’m just so sick of the super rich pawning off their “lost profits” onto everybody else, usually the ones who can least afford stuff like inflation. They could so easily part with some of their salary or exorbitant bonuses, and it wouldn’t really affect their lives. Oh no, you can’t add another super yacht to your collection this year? Boo hoo. It always goes down the ladder— whyyyyy is nobody trying to chip away at the top? I mean I know “why” I’m just soooo sick of it. I wish there could be worldwide protests about this. Probably wouldn’t make a difference. I’m so… idk I don’t even have the words

Idk if this is the proper sub, but I’m just so sick of the super rich pawning off their “lost profits” onto everybody else, usually the ones who can least afford stuff like inflation. They could so easily part with some of their salary or exorbitant bonuses, and it wouldn’t really affect their lives. Oh no, you can’t add another super yacht to your collection this year? Boo hoo.

It always goes down the ladder— whyyyyy is nobody trying to chip away at the top?

I mean I know “why” I’m just soooo sick of it. I wish there could be worldwide protests about this. Probably wouldn’t make a difference. I’m so… idk I don’t even have the words

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