
Still the greatest resignation of all time

I used to work as an HR rep for a HHA/CNA company. One day the VP came in and decided to once again have an impromptu meeting where she absolutely came down on the file room staff. However one of the ladies had enough. While VP was having her moment she pulled her phone out and started typing. You could hear the keyboard, as if she put the volume all the way up on purpose. The VP stops mid rant to look for the source of the sound and sees her just clacking away. When she saw who it was she went completely red in the face and yells for her to pay attention. The employee just glanced up and said I don't get paid enough to do even that, much less this job and continues typing. VP now looks like she sucked a lemon and goes even more red.…

I used to work as an HR rep for a HHA/CNA company. One day the VP came in and decided to once again have an impromptu meeting where she absolutely came down on the file room staff. However one of the ladies had enough. While VP was having her moment she pulled her phone out and started typing. You could hear the keyboard, as if she put the volume all the way up on purpose. The VP stops mid rant to look for the source of the sound and sees her just clacking away. When she saw who it was she went completely red in the face and yells for her to pay attention. The employee just glanced up and said I don't get paid enough to do even that, much less this job and continues typing. VP now looks like she sucked a lemon and goes even more red. Finally the employee stood up, smiled and said, check your email. We were all confused as no one is supposed to have email access on their phone except the higher ups. So VP goes to the computer, and went from red to a pasty white. You could even see her deflate a little. The employee simply walked to the time clock, you could hear her punch out and left. We all went to our computers…and gasped. She sent out a company wide email titled “Disencumber” Even the president was on the email. The 2nd one, contained salaries of everyone. EVERYONE. Here is the email below (name changes were done):

Good Morning to the staff, VPs, and owners of HHAcompany. Also whatever Mark Miller is…

This is it. The finish line. End of the road. A dead end for me. In other words I quit. Working for HHACOMPANY was an experience I hope to forget.

Don't get me wrong, your staff is the most amazing people you could have thought to hire. They made the company more bearable and I am blessed to have met such a group. The laughs and advice will not be lost on myself and I wish you all well. Your staff is literally is the only thing you did right (Billing and Nursing not included, you guys dropped the bomb on that group. I cannot fathom how an entire department can use the toilet and walk out hands unwashed).

My grievances is more to do with you Mary but I will start with Brittany. I've only encountered Brittany a total of three times. All were very unpleasant. I will not bother going into details but I will say you need to check your attitude. Learn to humble yourself and be respectful of all the staff regardless of titles.

Now on to you Mary. Oh the times we've had and the statements you have made. I will get started with the most recent;

  1. I came to you with an issue about the clock in. You know that thing is very temperamental and it chooses when it accepts a punch. I came to you about it and your response was laughable. I don't know if you remember the nonsense you spewed forth but it went along the lines of “I technically don't have to pay you if you don't clock in as there was no proof you was here.” I'm going to take a wild gamble and assume you haven't heard of the FLSA laws? It is a rather riveting read but I will get to the point. You have to pay me from the time I came in to the time I leave whether or not I clock in. I was seen by you and Jocelyn on Monday. You saw me here Wednesday. There is your much needed proof. You are welcome to try me though. I love teaching hard lessons.

  2. You may or may not remember your speech to me about my numerous absences. I don't know if you understand or just didn't give a damn but realize I WAS SICK. I cannot express it enough that while working in the file room that has no ventilation or air flow I got sick. A lot. I brought in my notes as proof even though under the Sick Time Laws I did not have to (it wasn't more than 3 days). I have asthma. A cold for the average person just means they cough a lot. For me it's issues with breathing. I am not willing to kill myself for a job. Especially not this one. I understand, you need someone ready and willing to work as soon as they arrive. I did that for a time. However once I removed the blinds and saw you for what you were it stopped.

  3. You lack any interpersonal skills. You lack understanding. You demand and demand but refuse to take accountability. It's your way or no way. You spring changes on your staff as if it's our presidency. Being a dictator gets you nothing but disliked and eventually gone. You have no appreciation of your staff. Here is a phrase. It is two words. Two syllables. It goes a long way. Thank you. It will be hard to use at first but I can promise you it will get you far. It got me into Google. Who knows what it can do for you.

  4. The pay for the amount of work you give and the guidelines you put forth. Do you know a thing about the cost of living? The company just took on almost half the VHHAComp patient volume and instead of giving everyone a small raise you all planned a Census luncheon. That consisted of sandwiches. And lukewarm soda. No water (that thing has been broken for way too long. That is also a labor violation). Now I'm thankful for anything and everything I get. I love free food…but the luncheon you said was for the little people…wasn't even for them. Your CEO took almost half a tray. That left little for everyone else. Even the things you put forward for the staff isn't even for the staff. It boggles the mind as to why you all assumed that was okay.

  5. The equipment and the upkeep of the facilities. I will only touch this briefly. The chairs. Get new ones. That is all on that. The vents. Fix it (especially the damn file room.) The thermostat. Stop putting it on the 5th level of hell.

  6. And lastly…the HR dinner. What a doozy that was. The CEO (or whoever that was…I don't listen to introductions) is…for lack of a better term a complete ass. Who calls their staff member trailer trash? That joke wasn't even appropriate. The policies we have in place is strictly against such language but I guess it was fine because it wasn't anyone else? And him making fun of how the Asian staff spoke? Fun here, racist and insensitive everywhere else I assume.

I can go on and on about the cesspool that is the wonderful thing we call our bosses but those are the main ones. To wrap this whole email up and nail in a point, you all need to work on yourselves. A lot. It is 2019. A year of improvement.

Once again to the staff I will miss most of you. Please do not feel any of this is directed towards any of you. You all continue to succeed and do your best.

I wish (most of you) the best goodbye and enjoy yourselves.

If you are out there (person who wrote this email) please know you cause a mass quitting and it was beautiful .

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