
How I Got Fired From My First Job

Hey ya'll. I'm rather new to posting things on Reddit, I've made one post before lol. I'll try to make it as enjoyable of a read as possible. I think this story will be entertaining, so I decided to write it out. This is a story about how I got fired from my first job a couple of weeks ago. Things to let ya'll know about myself. I recently turned 20, and I have ADHD, and may possibly be on the spectrum, I'm not sure about that one. My mother never got it officially checked. ​ I worked at a retail store, Goodwill. I won't say which one, because I don't really think it matters, and I also don't think I'm even allowed to lol. ​ I had been there for over three months at that point, since the middle of May. I hadn't encountered many bad customers before, maybe…

Hey ya'll. I'm rather new to posting things on Reddit, I've made one post before lol. I'll try to make it as enjoyable of a read as possible.

I think this story will be entertaining, so I decided to write it out.

This is a story about how I got fired from my first job a couple of weeks ago. Things to let ya'll know about myself. I recently turned 20, and I have ADHD, and may possibly be on the spectrum, I'm not sure about that one. My mother never got it officially checked.

I worked at a retail store, Goodwill. I won't say which one, because I don't really think it matters, and I also don't think I'm even allowed to lol.

I had been there for over three months at that point, since the middle of May. I hadn't encountered many bad customers before, maybe one or two.

But this lady, who I'm going to call Karen from now on, took the cake.

I was doing my job, checking people out till close. There were two new managers there since I started working in May.

They weren't the problem, they were rather nice.

Karen walks up to my register, and at first it goes well. I don't really register her as anything troublesome. She brought a cart full of stuff and had these two shirts she was holding.

“I'm not going to get these shirts.” She told me.

“Okay.” I reply, not really caring.

As I was scanning her stuff, I noticed her taking the shirts off the hangers. I ask her why she was doing that if she wasn't going to buy them.

Customers don't normally take clothes off hangers unless they're going to buy them or steal them. And since she had a large bag on the floor, just outside of my line of sight unless I leaned around the plastic covering, I'm assuming that's what she was trying to do.

She scowled at me angrily after I asked.

“Don't worry about what I'm doing. Focus on your fucking job.” She spat at me.

I'm not as seasoned with crappy customers as others, so I scoffed in response and rolled my eyes. I continued to scan her items. As I was scanning, my manager happened to walk by.

She's a veteran with bitchy customers, and had just been hired by the building to replace my old manager who transferred to a different store. We were starting to form a friendly relationship as co workers by now.

Karen flagged her down and began telling her about how I had an attitude, and I roll my eyes again, not really helping my situation, but nobody looked at me.

I finished the transaction, and went to hand Karen her change.

A penny fell out of my hand, because she had an absurd amount of coins in change.

“See? See?! He just threw my change at me.”

The penny fell out of my hand and onto the counter and rolled onto the floor, it didn't go anywhere close to her.

“Uh, no. It fell out of my hand by accident.”

“NO! You threw it at me!”

“NO! I dropped it by accident!”

We went back and forth for about a minute, each of us progressively getting louder.

At this point my manager wanted to stop the scene before a crowd formed. “Hey, Hey. Gabbs, it's okay. Just apologize to her and finish up.

I was extremely pissed off, and admittedly couldn't control my emotions well. I haven't been that mad in years, so I wasn't really prepared or able to calm myself down.

“I'm not apologizing to her.” I grunted.

Eventually she left. She left the clothes on the ice cream box and put the hangers in a crevice between my register and the wall.

I had a small talk with my manager about half an hour later. She wasn't mad, she was more concerned about me.

I asked if I was going to lose my job. She told me she wouldn't even write me up, provided Karen didn't call to corporate. We closed up shop with my other co workers and all of us went home.

Fast forward to monday, the next day I had to work. I got in, and started sorting clothes as I wasn't needed at the registers yet.

The same manager from Friday, and the new Head Assistant manager came up to me and asked me to come with them into the office.

Long story short, they had to let me go, because Karen did indeed call corporate.

I wasn't the best employee. This wasn't the best job. I didn't really care. I wasn't mad at my Managers. I was upset at Karen for seeing fit to get a cashier fired because she got called out.

I was looking for an out regardless, so it's whatever.

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