
I was left out from a raise because I switch departments.

The title says it all. This week my coworker showed me her paychek and she got a 10% raise. We were both on minimum wage before, the company hires everyone with that. Asked around and found out that at least three of my coworkers on my department got a raise. Some background info: we have two big units diveded into smaller department according to the type of work you do. Our tame have 11 members and our manager. We rotate in pairs and work night, afternoon and morning shifts. Back in may I talked to the unit manager about a problem with my managers behaviour regarding overtime and that she expects me to arrange my life around work and my boyfriend to take me to work on saturdays and take me home when the transportation is not arranged. The company covers some of the gas, but it is a joke.…

The title says it all.
This week my coworker showed me her paychek and she got a 10% raise. We were both on minimum wage before, the company hires everyone with that. Asked around and found out that at least three of my coworkers on my department got a raise.
Some background info: we have two big units diveded into smaller department according to the type of work you do. Our tame have 11 members and our manager. We rotate in pairs and work night, afternoon and morning shifts.

Back in may I talked to the unit manager about a problem with my managers behaviour regarding overtime and that she expects me to arrange my life around work and my boyfriend to take me to work on saturdays and take me home when the transportation is not arranged. The company covers some of the gas, but it is a joke. (My coworker got 2 euros for 20 km…) I suggested me switching to the other unit and she said “your work is great and you are here for so long”. Fyi that “so long” is almost two and a half years so you can imagine the type of work environment I have to work in….

Anyway… few weeks passed and I told my manager that I want to leave for a different department, but in the same unit. She delayed it by three months because we are understaffed. She said we need one member plus one extra and then I can go. We hired two person last month and my coworker (like a mom figure) had to talk to my manager to not postpone it anymore and just let me leave. (The second person we hired was told that she would take my place, then the manager changed her mind and said we need to hire someone to cover my position and we all agreed that she does this out of spite.)

So I have zero complint/claim from costumers. I was taking on serious responsibilitys even on my probation (writing delivery notes etc), I can lead the night and afternoon shift (morning doesn't matter that's what my manager for). I did every additional shit she put on top of my workload. I am a fully trained member with some little mistakes that every one of use do sometimes.

My coworker (we work together for almost two years and she was hired after me) just recently started to catch up to me and she is still not that close. She still need a lot of guadiance and advice. She made huge mistakes in the past that cost money to the company and my manager thought about giving her away to another department. After all this time her name became a slur in the other departments (for various reasons) and she is looked down by others.

She got the 10% raise and I am still on minimum wage. I plan on going to the unit manager on monday and then confront my manager in front of everyone. I will rip her a new one, throw a trashcan at her head and tell her to crawl inside because that's where rats like her belong. My coworker is afraid that she will be excluded and threated differently if our colleagues learn about her raise. Our new member said “you know that she (me) will be upset, now take the responsibility”.

The only reason behind this is spite, nothing else. My manager said there is a way out but no back.

I could go on and on and on about the micromanagement, the bullying, the comments, the toxic work environment. I have stories for days. If my manager have a bad day YOU will have a bad day. That's how she is. That's why no one takes her seriously. She cries that she have so much work to do, but she starts every shift with a 25 minute coffee break and talks with anyone who comes to her.
But if we are try to talk with anyone for more than 5 minutes then we are lazy… It doesn't help that our team leader is her lapdog. They talk about anyone behind their back, she reports back to her. The only reality my manager accepts is hers. She can say anything and my manager accept it. There is a reason our old team leader left us (everyone loved him), there is a reason I leave, and my coworker (the one with the raise) is planning on quitting.
One guy from the other unit showed me an email from my manager in which she named almost everyone who went to smoke outside of break and complained to the other unit manager…

Tbh, I'm sad… I wanted to keep our shift together because our duo was fire since she started to grow, we had so much fun together and the new coworker is great but I can't take more from this btch. I had to take sedative to calm down and still couldn't sleep. The stress is unbearable. I fing love this position, the responsibility, the divesity but I can't take this anymore.

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