
Pay to Start This Job! Worst Interview Ever.

Went to an interview at a nursing home the other day. The vibe was off from the start but I pushed that feeling to the side and told myself to give them a shot. During the interview, the manager talked about how if I wanted to work there for a few months while looking for jobs elsewhere that it was fine. She also compared working there to being homeless (comment was made after she acknowledged that the pay was somewhat low). When the interview was over, another lady came in and the interviewer told her that I had accepted the job offer. No offer had been made, and I certainly had not accepted it. I regret to say that I just felt too awkward to say anything, and was led to a table where they had me fill out a MOUNTAIN of paperwork. I rushed through it just trying to…

Went to an interview at a nursing home the other day. The vibe was off from the start but I pushed that feeling to the side and told myself to give them a shot. During the interview, the manager talked about how if I wanted to work there for a few months while looking for jobs elsewhere that it was fine. She also compared working there to being homeless (comment was made after she acknowledged that the pay was somewhat low). When the interview was over, another lady came in and the interviewer told her that I had accepted the job offer. No offer had been made, and I certainly had not accepted it.

I regret to say that I just felt too awkward to say anything, and was led to a table where they had me fill out a MOUNTAIN of paperwork. I rushed through it just trying to get out of there as fast as I could. At the end, the lady gave me two additional pieces of paper. One was so I could take a drug test, which she informed me I would have to pay $35-40 for. The other had instructions to go to another facility for a physical and PPD check which I would have to pay $50 for. Oh, and she also needed me to take some classes there before I could start the job and she has no idea how much they charge for them. None of this would be reimbursed.

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