
Remember video stores?

About 25+ years ago (I'm old), I went into a local video store to apply for a second job. This was a part time minimum wage position working as a clerk. After I filled out the application, they wanted to cut a piece of my hair for a drug test. Apparently, the standard urine test wasn't sufficient. I didn't even do drugs, but it felt like such a violation that I walked out. I've never forgotten that. A hair sample for a job checking out videotapes.

About 25+ years ago (I'm old), I went into a local video store to apply for a second job.

This was a part time minimum wage position working as a clerk.

After I filled out the application, they wanted to cut a piece of my hair for a drug test. Apparently, the standard urine test wasn't sufficient.

I didn't even do drugs, but it felt like such a violation that I walked out.

I've never forgotten that. A hair sample for a job checking out videotapes.

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