
Am I overreacting or not?

Repost as my original post got deleted. Long post ahead. I work for a small owned family insurance company. There are only 5 of us total including me. 2 employees are family members, one employee has been at the company 30+ years, and one employee is a family friend. I am the outsider. We have 2 offices. I’ve been at this company for over two years and have never had any complaints until a few weeks ago. It started when we had a meeting where we were ALL told that we have to be in the office by 8:30. The first year and a half that I’ve been at the company they have been flexible with what time we come in. On Tuesday I got written up because I got in at 8:45. Fine. I understand that we have to be in on time. However, my co-workers (family friend +…

Repost as my original post got deleted.

Long post ahead.
I work for a small owned family insurance company. There are only 5 of us total including me. 2 employees are family members, one employee has been at the company 30+ years, and one employee is a family friend. I am the outsider.
We have 2 offices. I’ve been at this company for over two years and have never had any complaints until a few weeks ago. It started when we had a meeting where we were ALL told that we have to be in the office by 8:30. The first year and a half that I’ve been at the company they have been flexible with what time we come in. On Tuesday I got written up because I got in at 8:45. Fine. I understand that we have to be in on time. However, my co-workers (family friend + family member) show up past 8:30 everyday with no repercussions. One will walk in with the excuse “sorry i’m late I woke up late today.” One came in a few days ago at 9:40. So my supervisor is watching the cameras to see when I get in everyday but doesn’t care/look to see when my co-workers show up? When I brought this up my supervisor he tried to say that my co-workers can come in late because they attend events after work. These “events” aren’t even work related. They are community service events and they go maybe once or twice every week or two. We all leave the office at 5. I feel like favortism/nepotism is obviously occurring.

My supervisor has also been micro-managing me to the extreme lately. This has NEVER happened before. My company knows that I do my work and get everything that they ask of me done on time. Last annual review in July they told me that I have exceeded all of their expectations since I started working for them. I basically manage their one office. They changed my work schedule adding on more tasks and over the past few weeks my supervisor is now requiring that I send him all the work I do each week written down. He emailed me Wednesday and said “I want you to tell me what you have done from 9:30-10:30.“ After I responded with what I was working on (on the phone with client going over quotes) he came back and said “it shows that you did this quote on Tuesday” acting like I was lying. Yes..the quote was done on Tuesday but the client didn’t have availability until Wednesday to go over the proposal…..Your monitoring my work so hard yet my co-worker sits on his phone all day and barely does work. How is that fair? This is only a few examples of what has been doing on. Over the past few weeks I have received more emails criticizing my work than I ever have before. I sat my supervisor down last week and told him how I was feeling. I don’t think that worked out well as this past week has been the worse yet. I feel like they didn’t like that I spoke up.

It’s hard to not take into account what my co workers are doing because there are only 3 of us in that office. But, it’s pretty clear that they can do whatever they want. I on the other hand get singled out for every little thing.
It got to the point where I was so upset that I left early on Wednesday. Emailed my supervisor and told him that I feel like I’ve been treated very unfairly and I feel as though they are trying to push me out by how hard they are micro-managing just ME out of no where. Told him I needed some personal time and would be using my PTO for the rest of the week. It was probably unprofessional of me to just leave but I honestly couldn’t take it anymore. I think the employee handbook states a 2 week notice is required before leaving. At this point I do not even want to go back. No idea what my current status is. I do know that they locked me out of my email account and my phone so I cant get in to check messages. Not sure if I am supposed to go back in on Monday or not.

I did have a second interview with a company this past week so I am hoping that works out.

Am I overreacting or am I right to want to leave? I have been so upset with the entire situation.

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