
Today my partner learned: if you take off a sick day once a month, you’ll be punished.

My partner works at the city library part-time, and came home today to tell me that he learned this afternoon that, if you take off work 3 times in 3 months, you can get a warning. 6 times in 6 months, you get written up. 9 times in 9 months, and you get suspended. His supervisor “told him without telling him” that he's not allowed to take off any more sick days for the rest of the year, because he's taken 7 in 6 months with no doctor's note, using sick time he's accrued over the years he's worked there. This is NOT for no-call no-show situations. This is just using your sick days, period, in that time. Because sick day accrual is a joke. If you can't afford to go to the doctor and get a doctor's note, because your city job doesn't give part-time employees affordable insurance, and…

My partner works at the city library part-time, and came home today to tell me that he learned this afternoon that, if you take off work 3 times in 3 months, you can get a warning. 6 times in 6 months, you get written up. 9 times in 9 months, and you get suspended. His supervisor “told him without telling him” that he's not allowed to take off any more sick days for the rest of the year, because he's taken 7 in 6 months with no doctor's note, using sick time he's accrued over the years he's worked there.

This is NOT for no-call no-show situations. This is just using your sick days, period, in that time. Because sick day accrual is a joke. If you can't afford to go to the doctor and get a doctor's note, because your city job doesn't give part-time employees affordable insurance, and you're sick three or more days in a row, you're just flat-out fucked.

I personally think this sounds illegal as shit, but it's Texas, so who fucking knows.

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