
Fired for having Epilepsy and was never paid.

I was fired on September 11th after working for only four days. I told the owner during the interview that I have epilepsy and can't work alone. Its mandatory that I tell them to avoid situations like this one. I was applying for midshift so it wouldn't be an issue. The owner said that it wouldn't be a problem. Cut to when I actually start working and I'm given almost no training and on my third day I'm told that I will be opening and closing the entire store by myself. The next day I brought it up with the owner that I can't be by myself and he waved me out and said I was fired. I was supposed to get paid on Friday, but I haven't been paid. It was only four days of training (if you can even call it that) But I was clocked on for…

I was fired on September 11th after working for only four days. I told the owner during the interview that I have epilepsy and can't work alone. Its mandatory that I tell them to avoid situations like this one. I was applying for midshift so it wouldn't be an issue. The owner said that it wouldn't be a problem.
Cut to when I actually start working and I'm given almost no training and on my third day I'm told that I will be opening and closing the entire store by myself. The next day I brought it up with the owner that I can't be by myself and he waved me out and said I was fired. I was supposed to get paid on Friday, but I haven't been paid.
It was only four days of training (if you can even call it that) But I was clocked on for each of my shifts of six hours. This is not legal (to my knowledge at least) what can I do to get my money?

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