
Is it in bad taste to include the name of a supervisor in your resignation letter?

Tomorrow I’m handing in my resignation letter. I’ve included the name of a supervisor and a description of their actions in the letter. This supervisor spoke to me in an abrasive and belittling manner (basically like they were a kindergarten teacher scolding a little kid). And I urged management to look into it and have chat with the way they communicate with people. Is this at all generally socially acceptable? Or should I just exclude this other persons name from my letter?

Tomorrow I’m handing in my resignation letter. I’ve included the name of a supervisor and a description of their actions in the letter. This supervisor spoke to me in an abrasive and belittling manner (basically like they were a kindergarten teacher scolding a little kid). And I urged management to look into it and have chat with the way they communicate with people. Is this at all generally socially acceptable? Or should I just exclude this other persons name from my letter?

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