
Tried giving my two weeks, and this is how my boss reacted.

Friday, gave my two weeks due to my discontent with how the company is being managed, and that I have another job opportunity in an unrelated field. My boss texted the head of security and acted like he was willing to bargain to make my employment under his watch a more enjoyable one. Right as I start getting into the meat and bones of what should change, security opens the door to the office. I ended up being escorted out, and had no opportunity to clean my desk, I had to leave my phone and everything behind while I got escorted off the property, and told I can’t step foot on their company grounds ever again. I called the cops, explained what happened and that I had no chance to gather my belongings. Cop goes in and recovers my belongings, but also said “I hate to do this, but you’re…

Friday, gave my two weeks due to my discontent with how the company is being managed, and that I have another job opportunity in an unrelated field.

My boss texted the head of security and acted like he was willing to bargain to make my employment under his watch a more enjoyable one.

Right as I start getting into the meat and bones of what should change, security opens the door to the office.

I ended up being escorted out, and had no opportunity to clean my desk, I had to leave my phone and everything behind while I got escorted off the property, and told I can’t step foot on their company grounds ever again.

I called the cops, explained what happened and that I had no chance to gather my belongings. Cop goes in and recovers my belongings, but also said “I hate to do this, but you’re being trespassed, and I’m going to need you to sign this form so we can make the trespass order official”.

I was absolutely pissed about the nature of my job, but to think I was naive to think my boss was actually willing to negotiate a better deal, only to get stabbed in the back.

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