
I quit in the middle of my shift

I'd just moved to town and after passing out my resume to a ton of vehicle repair shop I had multiple job offers. I accepted one of the offers without a solid agreement about what I would be paid. I had told them what I would want, I got a solid “we'll see” as a commitment to that. Not a red flag as a mechanic. Day one it was red flag after red flag. Everyone of my new coworkers was miserable, everything was under lock and key. Need a 5 cent item for your job, you had to go to the guy in the cage to get it. I talked to my new boss that 1sd day explaining I wasn't sure this was the right job for me. He took me for a drive, pulled over and (honest to god) started yelling at me. It was bizarre behavior. I was…

  • I'd just moved to town and after passing out my resume to a ton of vehicle repair shop I had multiple job offers. I accepted one of the offers without a solid agreement about what I would be paid. I had told them what I would want, I got a solid “we'll see” as a commitment to that. Not a red flag as a mechanic. Day one it was red flag after red flag. Everyone of my new coworkers was miserable, everything was under lock and key. Need a 5 cent item for your job, you had to go to the guy in the cage to get it. I talked to my new boss that 1sd day explaining I wasn't sure this was the right job for me. He took me for a drive, pulled over and (honest to god) started yelling at me. It was bizarre behavior. I was taught never to quit a job unless you have a new job. I kept my cool. By the time they let be leave day 1 the other places I'd had offers were closed. So I went in on my second day with a plan of calling from a pay phone that day to see if the other offer was still valid. (this is what we had to do in the 90's). It was super weird they closed up at noon for lunch, and would lock the place up. I made my call, confirmed the offer and drove home. Then I called the shop to tell them I didn't work there anymore. The guy who'd yelled at me day one was pissed. I had the pleasure of explaining I didn't think I'd get paid for that first day and half, soooooo, my motivation to finish the job I was in the middle of was pretty low. He made some weird threat that this would be a scar on my employment record. I hadn't even given them my SSC number yet. I worked at that second shop for 5 years and loved the job, the work, and the people.

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