
I hate my job but can’t find another one. Any advice?

I am coming up on a year in my position as an office manager/marketing specialist/project manager. It’s a small company so I have many titles. This is my first post grad job which means the market is tough. I have a major in marketing and a minor in business. I dislike the job because I’m required to be in the office everyday and the people are catty and talk shit behind your back. The office is loud and the managers are narcissistic. We have a high turnover rate, over 50% within the first 6 months. I feel like I’m underpaid ($47k a year before taxes) and am having a difficult time making ends meet. Our company cannot offer raises at this time due to our struggling sales team. Because I am required to be in the office everyday, moving to a cheaper location over 45 minutes out of the city…

I am coming up on a year in my position as an office manager/marketing specialist/project manager. It’s a small company so I have many titles. This is my first post grad job which means the market is tough. I have a major in marketing and a minor in business. I dislike the job because I’m required to be in the office everyday and the people are catty and talk shit behind your back. The office is loud and the managers are narcissistic. We have a high turnover rate, over 50% within the first 6 months. I feel like I’m underpaid ($47k a year before taxes) and am having a difficult time making ends meet. Our company cannot offer raises at this time due to our struggling sales team.

Because I am required to be in the office everyday, moving to a cheaper location over 45 minutes out of the city is not an option either… because then my commute would become long and unaffordable.

However, due to my lack of experience, I am having a difficult time finding work. Any job that pays more will require at least 5 years of experience it seems. Do I really just stay in this crappy role until I age out of the “entry level” phase? All of these jobs require 3+ interviews, and I really can’t take 4 hours off every week for “personal appointments” in order to actually do the interviews that I have maybe a 5% chance of actually landing. It took me over 6 months to land this job even. I don’t know what to do. It’s like I’m stuck in this position.

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