
I had a seizure at work and was asked if I could finish out the day…

As the title reads I had a seizure while working with a patient in the middle of last week, (I work as a pharmacy tech in training.) and after my episode my boss/pharmacist asks if I could work the rest of my shift. I told him no and he sent me home. It rubbed me the wrong way but was determined to be back the next day. The next few days at work were odd and felt like I was treated differently, even having a incident on Friday where a coworker shouted at me from across the store to tell me to do something when I was helping patients. I turned around and snapped, I just felt total embarrassment and told her to please grab me next time instead of shouting. (I was in the middle of talking and had at least a 5 person line behind them.) As the…

As the title reads I had a seizure while working with a patient in the middle of last week, (I work as a pharmacy tech in training.) and after my episode my boss/pharmacist asks if I could work the rest of my shift. I told him no and he sent me home. It rubbed me the wrong way but was determined to be back the next day.

The next few days at work were odd and felt like I was treated differently, even having a incident on Friday where a coworker shouted at me from across the store to tell me to do something when I was helping patients. I turned around and snapped, I just felt total embarrassment and told her to please grab me next time instead of shouting. (I was in the middle of talking and had at least a 5 person line behind them.)

As the new guy for 4 months at this place I feel like a second rate tool at this job. If you aren't friends with the boss or senior pharmacy techs you get treated like I do apparently. Maybe I should have noticed when two people left after I came in. (They lasted 6 months before moving to other pharmacies.)

I have tried to create good relationships with my coworkers, but even asking a question seems to annoy some of them, making daily routines for me at this job sometimes anxiety inducing wondering if I will get a normal response or some annoyed response like I should know how everything works. (I have 2 months before I'm a fully lisenced Tech.)

I've never felt so anxious about going into a job in my life and I worked for Best Buy for years! I cant tell you how many times I got yelled at by customers but I always had a good team behind me. But at this pharmacy job, patients treat me better then my coworkers… Am I in the wrong to feel this way?

Edit: Also to clarify I suffer from focal seizures and take medication for it, my boss is aware of these as I mentioned them during the interview.

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