
Tomorrow I ask for $1.50/hr more

I have been working nightshift/weekends at a grocery store now for 2 years. 100% attendance and perfect performance reviews. It's taken my every Saturday night for the last 2 years. We can't keep people on these graveyard shifts, and the people we have are pretty poor workers. I started at 11.50 2 years ago and universally everyone got bumped up to 14 about a year ago during COVID. Few months ago, I fought hard and they bumped me up to 14.50 recently and told me that I'm only making that because I'm one of their best employees. So I was semi-happy. Well another employee who is still making 14, also been there two years, just recently quit because they denied him a raise. He was one of our best workers and now I must pick up that slack because our job is a “team effort” and we can't leave until…

I have been working nightshift/weekends at a grocery store now for 2 years. 100% attendance and perfect performance reviews. It's taken my every Saturday night for the last 2 years. We can't keep people on these graveyard shifts, and the people we have are pretty poor workers. I started at 11.50 2 years ago and universally everyone got bumped up to 14 about a year ago during COVID. Few months ago, I fought hard and they bumped me up to 14.50 recently and told me that I'm only making that because I'm one of their best employees. So I was semi-happy.

Well another employee who is still making 14, also been there two years, just recently quit because they denied him a raise. He was one of our best workers and now I must pick up that slack because our job is a “team effort” and we can't leave until job is done. He easily got a new job at 18/hr and it just made me feel so undervalued and unappreciated by this company.

To make matters worse, just found out a new hire or does signicantly less than me makes 10 cent less. So much for my raise that I fought for. She does less than half of what I do every shift.

My 3 managers all say I deserve way more but only the store director, who I never even met, is authorized for raises. So tomorrow I am calling HR and requesting a face to face for my 2 year work anniversary so I can discuss wages with him and have him tell me directly yes or no. I'm going to tell him how unappreciated I feel, give him examples and reasons of why I deserve 16/hr, and why the person who would replace me won't be able to get a fraction of the work done that I currently do.

If he still says no, or atleast won't meet me in the middle, then it will just proof they don't care about good workers and their absurdly high turn off rate. Current plan is to put in my two weeks if he flat out denies me any raise. Luckily I have enough saved to get me by until I find a new job that isn't hurting my mental health so much.

Wish me luck 🤞

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