
9 months unemployed, and I still get “Don’t worry things will turn around”

TLDR: We only think about positives, instead of cold hard reality. For starters: I'm an engineer in the SF bay area. I'm trying to get into a different industry but I have tons of skills. I've been applying for new jobs for almost 2 years as soon as I got here. I've had tons of interviews. Only a handful of interviews, or recruiter interactions ended negatively. The majority of the time I get shafted with these actual bullshit responses: “You're a mechanical engineer, we need a (insert bullshit) at (insert bullshit corp)” “You're not quite were I need you to be, maybe sometime later.” “We think you'd be bored here.” “You have tons of experience in other places, we can't use you here.” My favorite: “I don't know where I'd put you.” Motherfucker anywhere I know this won't fix my problems, but god damnit, this is bullshit. I literally did…

TLDR: We only think about positives, instead of cold hard reality.

For starters: I'm an engineer in the SF bay area. I'm trying to get into a different industry but I have tons of skills.

I've been applying for new jobs for almost 2 years as soon as I got here. I've had tons of interviews.

Only a handful of interviews, or recruiter interactions ended negatively.

The majority of the time I get shafted with these actual bullshit responses:

“You're a mechanical engineer, we need a (insert bullshit) at (insert bullshit corp)”

“You're not quite were I need you to be, maybe sometime later.”

“We think you'd be bored here.”

“You have tons of experience in other places, we can't use you here.”

My favorite: “I don't know where I'd put you.” Motherfucker anywhere

I know this won't fix my problems, but god damnit, this is bullshit. I literally did everything right of not going into student loan debt, buying property, not fucking around blowing money.

I tell people this issue and the first response I get: “Stop acting like a victim” Motherfuck you

A few of you are going to suggest to go get a resume review and edit.

My current resume is still getting interviews. I've had days were I'd schedule 3 interviews a day. From the start of the year I've had around 100 interviews (not recruiter screens).

I've applied to from start ups, mid cap, and enterprise boomer corps.

The startups make up some bullshit, fine, reject me for whatever reason. Capital, logistics or whatever (insert bullshit reason) at least give me some god damn feedback.

Fortune 500 companies reject me after 1 interview and 0 technical questions are asked.

Part of me thinks it's because I'm a cis white male with long hair.

Part of me thinks that the “liberal” companies are discriminating against me for veteran status.

Part of me thinks it's because I “look like a creep” which I've been told from elementary, the army, and corporate America.

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