
me first, job second.

If I'm sick I'm not coming into work. If my mental health is bad I'm not coming into work. Fortunely most of the time I can get power through the bad head days. I just got a new job and have been there for about 3 months now. Unfortunately have had a few health scares that have left me calling in sick. Out of my control. The other day my alarms didn't go off for work and my boss told me off and got really angry with me. Mentioned that he now has to look for other employees since he can not rely on me. I don't care, I get paid minimum wage, it's just slavery but with extra steps. I get my work done when I'm there and I don't mess around. Do i have a bad outlook on work and need to change that? Don't care what work…

If I'm sick I'm not coming into work. If my mental health is bad I'm not coming into work. Fortunely most of the time I can get power through the bad head days. I just got a new job and have been there for about 3 months now. Unfortunately have had a few health scares that have left me calling in sick. Out of my control.

The other day my alarms didn't go off for work and my boss told me off and got really angry with me. Mentioned that he now has to look for other employees since he can not rely on me. I don't care, I get paid minimum wage, it's just slavery but with extra steps. I get my work done when I'm there and I don't mess around. Do i have a bad outlook on work and need to change that? Don't care what work thinks about me, I'm just there to get paid.

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