
Dear Amazon employee who blasts loud ass music from your truck while delivering packages in my gentrified neighborhood,

I fucking love you and fully support you doing whatever helps you get through your treacherous day. Whenever I hear your thrashing metal guitar licks coming down my block I get as excited as a kid hearing the ice cream truck. You aren’t delivering to me – I don’t have an Amazon account – but you do brighten my day. I see the way you sprint from the truck, to the doorstep, then back to the truck. For real, a sprint. Fuck Amazon. You keep rocking. (I did snag a brief video of them today but decided to not share it in case the license plate or person were identifiable; I’m no snitch)

I fucking love you and fully support you doing whatever helps you get through your treacherous day. Whenever I hear your thrashing metal guitar licks coming down my block I get as excited as a kid hearing the ice cream truck. You aren’t delivering to me – I don’t have an Amazon account – but you do brighten my day. I see the way you sprint from the truck, to the doorstep, then back to the truck. For real, a sprint. Fuck Amazon. You keep rocking.

(I did snag a brief video of them today but decided to not share it in case the license plate or person were identifiable; I’m no snitch)

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