
Are you up late dreading Monday morning? Or any morning?

I understand the discontent coming from everyone who is on this sub but what happened to this being a community of likeminded people talking over ideas of getting out? Where is that intention? When did we stop beating the system and start whining about our bosses? Was it when they handed you a paycheck that didn’t cover the bills that they inflated? Or when the old men took away women’s natural rights? Or when they got on Tv and told everyone that there were only two opinions that you’re allowed to have? When they pitted you against your friends and family for votes? Are we all broken? Is that where we are? Are you up late tonight hoping that you die in traffic tomorrow before you get to your pointless fucking job? Are you angry at your shitty boss or are you angry that you’re a slave to this system?…

I understand the discontent coming from everyone who is on this sub but what happened to this being a community of likeminded people talking over ideas of getting out? Where is that intention? When did we stop beating the system and start whining about our bosses? Was it when they handed you a paycheck that didn’t cover the bills that they inflated? Or when the old men took away women’s natural rights? Or when they got on Tv and told everyone that there were only two opinions that you’re allowed to have? When they pitted you against your friends and family for votes?
Are we all broken? Is that where we are? Are you up late tonight hoping that you die in traffic tomorrow before you get to your pointless fucking job? Are you angry at your shitty boss or are you angry that you’re a slave to this system? Black, white, native, foreign, everyone. When do we stop with the screen shots and turn this fucking place over? What are your ideas? What is your next step? How do you fix this? And how do we help? How do we help each other? How do we get out? And please don’t give me violence. I don’t wish physical harm on anyone. But if you’re sick and fucking tired of being stuck and beat down, then let’s makes moves. We have the same body and soul as the ruthless men ruining this earth. We can cut this whole place in half if we want. Level it. Build a garden. Save ourselves. What are your inventions? What is your art? How are you bringing beauty back into this god awful system?

Give me something. Give me anything.
What do you want? How can we get free? By working overtime for new iPhones so we can screenshot texts? I don’t fucking think so.

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