
Has anyone every quit with good cause and claimed unemployment benefits?

I’ve been dealing with my mom’s health issues since March. She been in and out of skilled nursing and the hospital and I really just want to be with her. I’m a mess and currently talking to a therapist. Anyway, I know a leave of absence really isn’t the best option. There’s only 3 of us in the office and although I have every right to do that I think I would rather step away voluntarily for an indefinite period of time. I know in California you can quit with good cause and be eligible for unemployment. I’m wondering if any of y’all have ever done this… ?

I’ve been dealing with my mom’s health issues since March. She been in and out of skilled nursing and the hospital and I really just want to be with her. I’m a mess and currently talking to a therapist. Anyway, I know a leave of absence really isn’t the best option. There’s only 3 of us in the office and although I have every right to do that I think I would rather step away voluntarily for an indefinite period of time. I know in California you can quit with good cause and be eligible for unemployment. I’m wondering if any of y’all have ever done this… ?

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