
A text to the Manager of a supply firm I ghosted. LMK what you think.

I want to apologize to you and to you only. You were very kind to me and wanted only the best. I will tell you why I left. Firstly I don't feel represented in the company, there were little to no people that I felt were similarly minded as I am. I feel this is the case because of the median age of the general workforce. This was also a factor in that I requested for an official variance to the dress code. Instead I was replied with “go ahead for now. But we reserve the right to tell you otherwise.” I'm a disabled Vet. The answer to that should have been yes. That I earned that right. Secondly, the comment made by a sales rep in front of 4 established employees and a sales manager. That “the product as a feature is lighter since it's pre stretched and so…

I want to apologize to you and to you only. You were very kind to me and wanted only the best. I will tell you why I left. Firstly I don't feel represented in the company, there were little to no people that I felt were similarly minded as I am. I feel this is the case because of the median age of the general workforce. This was also a factor in that I requested for an official variance to the dress code. Instead I was replied with “go ahead for now. But we reserve the right to tell you otherwise.” I'm a disabled Vet. The answer to that should have been yes. That I earned that right. Secondly, the comment made by a sales rep in front of 4 established employees and a sales manager. That “the product as a feature is lighter since it's pre stretched and so the Asians and Latino community who is shorter can benefit from this in the warehouses”. This is unacceptable. Thirdly, you accepted me into the firm being wholly over qualified for the role and simply filing was insulting with what I can bring the table. 3rd, the head boss in the main office Mr.Clark, harrowing people at the timeclock when its time to go home. That is uncomfortable and inappropriate to ask people if they are quitting while punching out. He also has a huge amount of personal property in the office consuming office space. He couldn't get a storage unit? He can't afford one? This is inappropriate. All these things and alot of the implied is why I left. The company has a good established system but looks at its workforce as one of the marginal costs of doing business. One to leverage as much as possible. I am not a marginal cost to try and extract the most from. With that being said, I hope you find your fit for the role and perhaps someone with different standards.

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