
How Do The Rich Answer?

Everytime I go to an appointment with either my parents or just by myself, one of the employees always asks me if I work. “Do you work?” I tell that person that I have been applying for jobs (with no luck) That person always replies with “Everyone's hiring!” Makes it sound like that person doesn't want lazy people near him/her Which brings me to ask… If a rich guy who lives off daddy's money goes to an appointment and is asked the same question, what will he answer? Will he be embarrassed that he lives off daddy's money and lies that he has taken a break from work or is he confident enough to answer that his family is rich and he doesn't have to worry about money?

Everytime I go to an appointment with either my parents or just by myself, one of the employees always asks me if I work.

“Do you work?”

I tell that person that I have been applying for jobs (with no luck)

That person always replies with “Everyone's hiring!”

Makes it sound like that person doesn't want lazy people near him/her

Which brings me to ask…

If a rich guy who lives off daddy's money goes to an appointment and is asked the same question, what will he answer? Will he be embarrassed that he lives off daddy's money and lies that he has taken a break from work or is he confident enough to answer that his family is rich and he doesn't have to worry about money?

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