
What am I suppose to do?

Bit of a rant here… So, I started working in a greenhouse 5 weeks ago and am appalled by my boss. He comes in whenever he wants, is incredibly rude, and has outbursts where he yells and goes on and on about how he's too busy to notice little things he does wrong. He gets super butthurt over anything the quality associate points out he should be doing differently, as in doing their job… hes incompetant, sloppy, and isn't willing to learn anything new, parts of which are included in the job description… Anyways, I wrote an email to the company owner informing them how he yells at employees to stay out of his way and to stop pointing out his mistakes. Basically, the owner told him his behaviour was unacceptable but ultimately did nothing else. My boss then calls me a rat for going to the owner instead of…

Bit of a rant here…
So, I started working in a greenhouse 5 weeks ago and am appalled by my boss. He comes in whenever he wants, is incredibly rude, and has outbursts where he yells and goes on and on about how he's too busy to notice little things he does wrong. He gets super butthurt over anything the quality associate points out he should be doing differently, as in doing their job… hes incompetant, sloppy, and isn't willing to learn anything new, parts of which are included in the job description…
Anyways, I wrote an email to the company owner informing them how he yells at employees to stay out of his way and to stop pointing out his mistakes. Basically, the owner told him his behaviour was unacceptable but ultimately did nothing else. My boss then calls me a rat for going to the owner instead of being a man and talking to him first. He said sending that email was unprofessional and if things are gonna work I need to be on his side. He asked me to cover his mistakes so we watch each others backs. Then also told the owner that Im never on the floor and he cant find me when theres work to do. This is a total lie. I work 8-4:30 and only go the office to do paperwork (most of which is his job) because the internet is spotty out back where we work. So, from speaking with him, I gathered that he tried to make me look bad because he was pissed I wrote an email complaining about his egriguous behaviour. Again, called me a rat for doing so.
It seems that no matter what he does the owner isnt willing to fire him. I think they want him to quit. I'm losing my mind over this. What the fuck am I suppose to do?
Oh, and I have a baby at home, so I cant really quit just now..sticky all around!
Thanks for listening friends.

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