
Kittens are hindering my job performance, on my time off.

Put in a 50+ hour week. Left Friday so emotionally beat up from the trauma of working with at risk kids. Went off to my volunteer job at an animal rescue and decided to work there until I no longer hated the world. I closed the place down 4 hours later. Accidentally, used a cleaning chemical I’m allergic to without gloves and my hand swelled up and peeled all weekend. Steroid cream and rest and I was ready to put in another 50 hours this week. Met with my boss today and he wondered why I hadn’t completed a goals report due October 1st. He assumed because he scheduled our meeting early I would have done the work in preparation, and I would have. I explained by holding up my still pealing hands that they hurt to use and it wasn’t physically possible to type it all this weekend. He…

Put in a 50+ hour week. Left Friday so emotionally beat up from the trauma of working with at risk kids. Went off to my volunteer job at an animal rescue and decided to work there until I no longer hated the world. I closed the place down 4 hours later.

Accidentally, used a cleaning chemical I’m allergic to without gloves and my hand swelled up and peeled all weekend. Steroid cream and rest and I was ready to put in another 50 hours this week.

Met with my boss today and he wondered why I hadn’t completed a goals report due October 1st. He assumed because he scheduled our meeting early I would have done the work in preparation, and I would have.

I explained by holding up my still pealing hands that they hurt to use and it wasn’t physically possible to type it all this weekend. He was frustrated and suggested maybe my volunteer work (on my own time)was interfering.

I recognize I can’t do my job in only 40 hours I’m allowed a life. I help with sick animals. I was sanitizing for the safety of the other animals and comforting a very sick dog that died the next day. It felt like I was making a difference and appreciated.

My heart is heavy.

Edit: still volunteering just hate that he made it less pure.

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