
Man coworkers be rough sometimes.

So today is my 3rd day at my first job ever (yay) and it’s practically almost closing time at the cafe. I asked my trainer about the location of the romaine lettuce in case we need to stock up for tomorrow and she got mad and told me that she’s training me and not to tel her how to do her job. I said sorry to her but inside I said “damn, calm down, I only wanted to help get Romaine lettuce”. Bonus points because she asked me to help her with wrapping instead of “standing around”. I was standing around because 1) everything was basically almost done and I did my part and 2) she looked like she didn’t want my help in the first place. She basically slammed the scissors in front of me so that I could cut the wrapping. I get it: it’s closing time, you…

So today is my 3rd day at my first job ever (yay) and it’s practically almost closing time at the cafe. I asked my trainer about the location of the romaine lettuce in case we need to stock up for tomorrow and she got mad and told me that she’s training me and not to tel her how to do her job. I said sorry to her but inside I said “damn, calm down, I only wanted to help get Romaine lettuce”.

Bonus points because she asked me to help her with wrapping instead of “standing around”. I was standing around because 1) everything was basically almost done and I did my part and 2) she looked like she didn’t want my help in the first place.
She basically slammed the scissors in front of me so that I could cut the wrapping.

I get it: it’s closing time, you were practically working all day, and you want to go home. I get it, but I’m just a 3-day trainee who doesn’t understand the nitty-gritty yet. The least I could ask for is some patience.

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