
Started New Job. Hate New Job.

Started new job at walmart (ik) and it sucks (should have known) i was under the impression i was closing shift…not a morning person…and i got scheduled for 8 am tmr soooo im gonna call out cuz i legit refuse to 1. be bullied by highschoolers 2. wake up early , it would be my 4th day… but i kinda hate it anyways. And no confrontation needed i just call a glamorized hotline and say im not coming… so kinda epic The whole environment is like the opposite of what im used to, i come from aldi which is very strict on how you use your time and walmart is kinda “u do u” which i could get behind except i havent gotten trained, and the little 17 year olds complain abt my speed, and that i cant find anything…i been here three days leave me alone?!?! It’s just fuckign…

Started new job at walmart (ik) and it sucks (should have known) i was under the impression i was closing shift…not a morning person…and i got scheduled for 8 am tmr soooo im gonna call out cuz i legit refuse to 1. be bullied by highschoolers 2. wake up early , it would be my 4th day… but i kinda hate it anyways. And no confrontation needed i just call a glamorized hotline and say im not coming… so kinda epic

The whole environment is like the opposite of what im used to, i come from aldi which is very strict on how you use your time and walmart is kinda “u do u” which i could get behind except i havent gotten trained, and the little 17 year olds complain abt my speed, and that i cant find anything…i been here three days leave me alone?!?! It’s just fuckign annoying since when i ask for help i get a one word answer or get shrugged off but i dont even blame them they are kids it’s the team leads who juggle me around so they dont have to train me. But imma just get my money and go , just not tmr at 8 am……

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