
I hate management so bad

Throughout my whole time working as a part timer, I fucking hate how everyone thinks they have the rights to shit on you. Never once have I worked in a healthy environment whatsoever and it’s REALLY getting to me. My current job which I work as a part timer, recently tried to hire me as a full timer. I rejected it of course because it’s a fucking 6 day a week work, 8-9 hours long, VERY tiring since it is f&b (you constantly need to run EVERYWHERE given how understaffed this place is), you can only take 5 medical leaves A YEAR, any other reasons for leaves will not be accepted, and I am barely 18. They asked me to work for them full time because I’m currently on a break for my studies (it’s been hella stressful with my life and studies, and I am struggling financially too) but…

Throughout my whole time working as a part timer, I fucking hate how everyone thinks they have the rights to shit on you. Never once have I worked in a healthy environment whatsoever and it’s REALLY getting to me.

My current job which I work as a part timer, recently tried to hire me as a full timer. I rejected it of course because it’s a fucking 6 day a week work, 8-9 hours long, VERY tiring since it is f&b (you constantly need to run EVERYWHERE given how understaffed this place is), you can only take 5 medical leaves A YEAR, any other reasons for leaves will not be accepted, and I am barely 18. They asked me to work for them full time because I’m currently on a break for my studies (it’s been hella stressful with my life and studies, and I am struggling financially too) but working full time would stress me out more.

I responded to management that I would like to not work full time with them today, and they responded by cancelling one of my shifts, and reducing the rest of my shifts into significantly lesser hours. I’m so pissed off.

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