
I hate the effing babysitters aka management.

I was hoping this whole week would be a vacation from my idiot supervisor since she'll be out until next week, but I predicted that, in her place, the HR woman, who normally doesn't come in most days, would be coming into the office just to keep an eye on us and make sure we're not on our phones and surfing the internet ((even though our tasks are such bullshit, easy, repetitive, mind-numbingly boring shit that can get done in the first 2 or 3 hours with a heck of a lot of downtime!!)). And just as predicted, she came in yesterday and is coming in today, as well, and maybe the rest of the week, so no vacation from micromanagement for me.

I was hoping this whole week would be a vacation from my idiot supervisor since she'll be out until next week, but I predicted that, in her place, the HR woman, who normally doesn't come in most days, would be coming into the office just to keep an eye on us and make sure we're not on our phones and surfing the internet ((even though our tasks are such bullshit, easy, repetitive, mind-numbingly boring shit that can get done in the first 2 or 3 hours with a heck of a lot of downtime!!)). And just as predicted, she came in yesterday and is coming in today, as well, and maybe the rest of the week, so no vacation from micromanagement for me.

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