
Hiring externally after promising growth

I should have seen this coming but I am too optimistic at times. I work for a small business that just started up almost two years ago. It is a physically demanding job where I am on my feet all day. We have desperately needed a Manager as the owners do not know how to manage people at all. Since I was hired, they’ve been telling everyone “There will be opportunities to move up and make more money” and “more professional opportunities” such as General Manager, Social Media Manager, Event Manager, Team Lead etc. One of the women that I work with has been busting her ass and telling them consistently that she wants and is up for the job of Manager. She would make a great Manager has she has been there almost the whole time they’ve been open and has already assumed that sort of role. People trust…

I should have seen this coming but I am too optimistic at times. I work for a small business that just started up almost two years ago. It is a physically demanding job where I am on my feet all day.

We have desperately needed a Manager as the owners do not know how to manage people at all. Since I was hired, they’ve been telling everyone “There will be opportunities to move up and make more money” and “more professional opportunities” such as General Manager, Social Media Manager, Event Manager, Team Lead etc.

One of the women that I work with has been busting her ass and telling them consistently that she wants and is up for the job of Manager. She would make a great Manager has she has been there almost the whole time they’ve been open and has already assumed that sort of role. People trust her.

Well, found out the other day they will be “offering the position to us that we can apply for, but they will be looking externally too.” Which basically means, nobody is getting moved up. Not only that, they smooshed all of the Manager stuff into one role, so there is no more Social Media Manager or Event Manager, just one.

I have been telling the owners a lot that I am interested in being the Social Media person as I have background in that, but now there isn’t even that position anymore.

So, they are going to hire externally instead of seeing all the potential right in front of them. It’s insane to me. Everyone has worked so hard for this small business and they don’t care. I don’t understand. So disheartening.

I know this is probably not surprising to you all, I was just expecting more from “local people” but they are running this place like a cooperation.

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