
I work remote and company uses Time Doctor to monitor our work. Idle time gets percentage allotted and managers can view. What can I use to allow the mouse to click or move every minute without detection?

I literally meet all my deliverables and turn in my work. But there’s no possible way I can be working 7-8 hour straight without doing anything else. The only thing I’m worried about is that Time Doctor tracks what is running I believe and what I click. Which auto click thing should I use? And what can I do to ensure whatever is used to auto click doesn’t get picked up either and they don’t find out? Thank you I’m stressed out about this and have been applying to new jobs already.

I literally meet all my deliverables and turn in my work. But there’s no possible way I can be working 7-8 hour straight without doing anything else. The only thing I’m worried about is that Time Doctor tracks what is running I believe and what I click.

Which auto click thing should I use? And what can I do to ensure whatever is used to auto click doesn’t get picked up either and they don’t find out?

Thank you I’m stressed out about this and have been applying to new jobs already.

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