
Overheard Talk in the Owners Office

I thought this might be a funny read. So my coworker and I get to the office about eight 830 and sometimes our owner is there, wasn’t really like our direct boss, but he’s still the owner and gives us random tasks outside of our job description. Really undervalues the fact that If my coworker and I weren’t here, no one would else be doing these random tasks. My job description is more vague than his as he is the office manager, but he has tons of experience in the restaurant industry which is what we are in except in the office side of things. I know my owner wants him to do all these things like pricing out menu items, you pay someone a lot of good money to actually do that for a restaurant so you can measure all of your margins. Needless to say this pisses my…

I thought this might be a funny read. So my coworker and I get to the office about eight 830 and sometimes our owner is there, wasn’t really like our direct boss, but he’s still the owner and gives us random tasks outside of our job description. Really undervalues the fact that If my coworker and I weren’t here, no one would else be doing these random tasks. My job description is more vague than his as he is the office manager, but he has tons of experience in the restaurant industry which is what we are in except in the office side of things. I know my owner wants him to do all these things like pricing out menu items, you pay someone a lot of good money to actually do that for a restaurant so you can measure all of your margins. Needless to say this pisses my coworker off to no end, and it’s been brought up to the owner before but it’s like he forgets the conversation ever happened, and says well we could just hire someone for like $16 an hour and replace you, no you really couldn’t especially in this market which is Portland Oregon. So I walk into the office to grab some things cause I had to go out to the stores, and I overhear my coworker and owner are talking in his office, respectfully I don’t try to eavesdrop but I did hear a few choice words. My CW says after owner state his job description is vague (it’s not), “the reality of the situation is this is the job I was hired for and applied to, not these several other tasks that are much higher pay” … I walked out of the office and made sure the door, and then I walked back and the owners door was shut as they were having a meeting but the door was open before. Well I had to wait for my CW because he had some keys I needed. While I was waiting I was just smiling to myself doing some emails while waiting, thinking to myself “wow what a good morning to walk in and hear the same thing I’m feeling, and my owners ability to just not value anyone”. For context we only offer a wage as a benefit.

Moral of the story, “ just because you’re an owner doesn’t make you a leader, just cause you pay some of the wage doesn’t mean you bring them any value, and if you start asking to do all this extra responsibilities don’t act like a dumbass when you’re met with resistance and professional criticism”

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