
I’ve never gotten “Grind culture”

Neurodivergent – ADHD. I've never understood working unpaid overtime or basically working for free. I have always left at 5:05 every day. Because that's all I am paid to do. I don't have the motivation to work for free. Plain and simple. Never have. I never understood how people have the motivation to work for free. ADHD brain – there's no reward then I don't care for it. Same with taking all my breaks. When I worked at the restaurant, I was called “lazy” because I took all the granted breaks. I don't get it. Why give breaks if you don't expect people to use them? Who the hell actually wants to stand for 7 hours straight? Am I going to get paid more if I don't take the breaks? No. So logically, why work an extra 30 minutes for free when I can just take the designated breaks? People…

Neurodivergent – ADHD.

I've never understood working unpaid overtime or basically working for free. I have always left at 5:05 every day. Because that's all I am paid to do. I don't have the motivation to work for free. Plain and simple. Never have.

I never understood how people have the motivation to work for free.

ADHD brain – there's no reward then I don't care for it.

Same with taking all my breaks. When I worked at the restaurant, I was called “lazy” because I took all the granted breaks. I don't get it. Why give breaks if you don't expect people to use them? Who the hell actually wants to stand for 7 hours straight? Am I going to get paid more if I don't take the breaks? No. So logically, why work an extra 30 minutes for free when I can just take the designated breaks?

People working 70+ hours a week or on call 24/7 have always baffled me. Work Saturday afternoon? I have to clean my house for the week and do laundry! I do not have a spouse or housekeeper! Sundays? People are at church and at the beach with their families! Stay after 7 every week day? How do these people exercise for the week?

My ADHD brain is like: what kind of filthy homes are these out-of-shape “grind culture” people living in? Don't they have friends and a family to be with atleast every now and then?

My brain is too logical for capitalism and grind culture.

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